

[Last updated 3/9/16, 9:30am MST]


The opinions expressed in this blog are my own.  They don't belong to anyone else and, frak it, they can't have them.  I share them with you.  To read.  That's it.  You can certainly link to the blog so that others can also read, but no ctrl+c, ctrl+v action on the texty-text (small snippets with attribution are fine... email me about it if you have a question).


If you disagree with an opinion, GREAT!  Comment on it.  Try to use civil language, but curse if you must.  Also, try to have a counter opinion on topic.  Telling me I'm an idiot is telling me something that I already know.  Tell me WHY I'm an idiot and how to stop being so much of one.

Heck, if you post a comment with just "Your an idiot" (or words to that effect) and nothing else, expect it to be removed.  Same for other types of random hate with no supporting commentary. Finally, I'm the sole arbiter of what comments remain.  Deal with it.

If you feel that your comment deserves a wider audience than this blog (and who wouldn't), then hit me with it on Twitter (@schmoid) or Google+ (Internet of Schmoid).


I take my own.  Very rarely, I might use something from someone else, but will always attribute that photo.  If you have any questions about a photo on my blog, email me and we'll hash it out.

If I've taken a picture of your product, know that I purchased that product out of my own pocket and am using it as an end-user.  If you don't want your brand associated with my blog and it is prominent in one of my photos, then let me know.  Depending on why you want it removed I may... or may not. We can certainly discuss it.


I use them as a support for whatever argument I'm trying to make/start/finish.  If you are the publisher of linked content and you don't want me to use it, then please let me know and I'll remove the link.  I will not remove the text to which the link was attached.  That part is mine.

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