
Monday, January 23, 2017

What the Router?!

As a present to myself, last month I jumped off a cliff and into the deep ocean that is Ubiquiti networking appliances.  Specifically, the EdgeRouter Lite and the UniFi AP AC Pro.  These are members of the family of networking gear that is the overwhelming recommendation on /r/HomeNetworking, so like a good, apocryphal lemming I jumped.

Reason?  We don't need no stinkin' Reason!

Truth be told, these are a step up from the basic recommendation and are significantly more than I need, but they were only a few Hamiltons more than the base models, so I figured what the fu-izzle?  The software that all of the Ubiquiti routers run (EdgeMAX) is the same, as is the Access Point front end (UniFi Controller).  The extra cash gets me a faster processor with more memory for the router and a full 3x3 antenna array on the Wireless Access Point.  Because I need tons of power to flip light switches on and off with my phone (#idowhatiwant).

Monday, January 16, 2017

Cyber Helplessness

This is another post about internet security, and like many of my other posts on the subject, it is not going to offer much in the way of useful advise.  If that's what you're looking for, stop reading now.

Instead, this is going to be more in line with You Have Already Lost and Trusting the Web.  But now with some Psychiatry!! (Or, at least, pseudo-psychiatry, because you just can't have enough silent p's.)  Over the holidays, I stumbled upon the 'You Are Not So Smart' Podcast and listened to a few episodes.  The one that caught my attention was "Learned Helplessness".  It is not the happiest of subjects, but it is one that struck me as applicable to the topic of internet security (and my attitudes towards relationships and commitment and basically all of my social interactions since grade school).

Monday, January 9, 2017

CES 2017 - The Shape of Things To Come

The ol' Schmoidster managed to finagle himself a trip to the big Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this year.  It's not really that hard if you don't mind working a booth and spending time in Sin City without actually sinning too much.  With that in mind, I want to thank ZTE USA for having me out there to help and talk about their Axon 7 unlocked phone (a steal at $399).

Because I was working a booth though, it did mean that I was not able to get out and see all of the IoT offerings until the afternoon of the last day of the show.  A time when many of the booths are beginning to shut down, the employees that are left are burnt out and are tired of discussing their stuff.  Many of the presentations that were not at the Las Vegas Convention Center were either already shut down or in process.
The Intel 'Tiny Smart Home' getting packed up

Still, I was able to hit a few booths and come up with a two spins that I doubt that the mainstream media are spending much time on: Market Crowding and Design.

Monday, January 2, 2017

The 2016 of Things

Yup.  That's right.  Another 'Year in Review' article.  Also, the first from me in a few weeks.  I'll blame the holidays and such for my spotty production coupled with some actual paying work.  The ol' Schmoid needs to feed his growing Middle School Daughter (and his own waistline).  So, without further ado, let's get to it.