
Monday, December 19, 2016

Weaving the Brillo into Android

I'm not sure what winter solstice gifting tradition a computer celebrates, much less a search algorithm or tentacle-like technology company, but whatever it is (maybe, just 'Holiday'?), Google-Alphabet wants Things.

(Image courtesy Google, Inc.)

Last week, they announced the developer preview for Android Things, a (sort of) new OS for the Internet of Things.  It's only 'sort of' because it replaces 'Brillo' which has been around for a year or so.  'Replaces' might be too strong a word as well.  Maybe 'Renamed' or even 'Re-branded'.  Which of course begs the question: "Why?"

Monday, December 12, 2016

Amazon Go-es After IRL Retail... Again

The biggest news in the IoT this last week was Amazon's announcement of their updated Brick-and-Mortar shopping experience: Amazon Go.  The major selling point is simple: check-in, grab what you want and leave.  There is no check out.  The system simply knows what you have picked up, bills your Amazon account and that's it.  It does all of this in real time while you are in the store.  There is no TSA-style sensor pad at the exit point to walk through, no scanning of bar codes or RFID tags.  It just knows.

Monday, December 5, 2016

The Internet of Change

I'm Not Late

Two weeks off and I'm back to... do whatever it is I do in this space.  Talk about the intersection of human life and human technology, if I want to put a high minded spin on it.  Really, it's me thinking out loud.  Pontificating.  Being the Polonius I want to see in the world.

So, in that vein, I want to think out loud about a new book that Thomas Friedman, columnist for that 'International Jewel' the New York Times, wrote.  It's called Thank You For Being Late and is about how the rate of technological change has affected our lives as human beings.